June 11, 2007


so yet again i spent my sunday afternoon listening to old people talking. been going to this talk conducted by the young muslim project (ymp for short) every fortnightly on sundays. this week, topic discussed was men, women and in-betweens. homosexuals. yep. VERY interesting. homos are defined as being sexually attracted, in love and having desires towards the same gender, and translate those skewed feelings physically (in another way, having anal intercourse). so to those who have ermm 'secret imaginations' towards kawan of the same sex, need not fret. as long as u keep ur imaginations in the closet, its harmless. some interesting facts about homosexuals are, if he has only one anal intercourse partner, chances of getting aids/hiv is 50% higher (so being unfaithful is safer. HAHA) and more than half of homosexual individuals are in an abusive homosexual relationship.

thats about just proly 1/20 of the inputs from the talk. but bear in mind, the homosexual committees now are fighting for their rights. they actually came up with a kindergarten book that includes homosexual parents in the syllabus. john's parents are 2 guys, and jane's parents are 2 women. so think about our future kids. if homos will be accepted as a norm, our kids will grow up accepting that its normal to be a homo. so take time to ponder aight.

on another note, i met madonna's dancer at the talk. wooooo!!! damn nice guy and has a strong faith. amin norman reverted to islam about 3 years ago and he just reverted his devoted christian dad to islam about 3 months ago. cool innit??!! hes still a dancer now. a devoted muslim dancer. coolness.

so lets be part of the ymp and express your thoughts about islam, current issues and the sorts. good day people!

us and amin norman

they said: "surely, you know that we have neither
any desire nor need of your daughters, and indeed
you know well what we want!. they (messenger)
said: "O Lut! Verily, we are the messengers from
your Lord! they shall not reach you! so travel with
your family in a part of the night, and let not any of
you look back; but your wife (will remain behind),
verily, the punishment which will afflict her. indeed,
morning is their appointed time. is not the morning near?
(Surah 11:80-81)

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